Monday, July 18, 2011

Human Resource Management - An Integral Part of Human Resource Development

A wide variety of activities are included in human resource management. Key factors among them are to decide the staffing that is required for smoothly running the enterprise. Entrepreneurs can use independent contractors to hire the employees or recruit such employees directly on their own efforts.

Besides recruitment and finding the best talents, another aspect of the HRM is appropriate training. Quality training can render even the insipid people skillful and they can turn out to be assets for the enterprise. At the same time training the best employees will ensure very high performance level.

Entrepreneurs and employers have to deal with the performance issues. Ensuring such personnel and management practices would conform to various regulations. Management of approach to employee's benefits as well compensation paid to them is a vital aspect of human resource management process.

While small enterprises have to carry out these tasks on their own, larger enterprises usually have full fledged HRM wings to deal with such issues. Thus the options before an entrepreneur are to either obtain full time experts services or do it themselves recruiting specialists as their employees.

An important aspect of H R management is also formulation of effective human resource management policy. Such policies will not only encompass necessary rules and regulations but also various other aspects like the welfare of the employees. Very often the code of conduct and benefits provided are supplied to employees in form of employee's manuals.

It is also expedient understanding the basic differences between the human resource development and its management. Resource development is basically a profession. Resource management is often the integral part of such development process. A range of activities are taken up by enterprises to develop personnel in the organization. Such activities include career development, training, and organizational development.

Major conceptual changes have taken place in the field of HRM and HRD during the past two three decades. In the past HRM involved management of paper works for recruitment and engagement of personnel. Today the respective human resources departments not only look after recruitment but many others. These other aspects include staffing, training as well as helping personnel management.

Objective of the entire process is to achieve skill and competence development of the employees in the organization so as to derive benefit for the enterprise in the highly competitive commercial world.

A site search engine that can lead the viewers to any site highly relevant to their searches, can make it easier finding out qualitative sites for information on topics like human resource management. In addition it has a comprehensive database that can provide valuable insight on human resource development a subject of which HRM is an integral part.

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Human Resource Development Careers Are Vital to Companies

Unless a company is 100 percent automated with machines from the bottom on up, or so small the boss knows all his employees by first names, it relies heavily on its human resources specialists. A company's most valuable asset is their people in which they invest more in training and maintenance than the machines used to produce a product. This makes HR development careers vital to the health of most companies.
Human resource vacancies are the most coveted of positions and often the hardest to fill with qualified people. In a large HR department then the human resources manager's job may include hiring the most delicate and hard to fill positions personally. Alternatively, he is responsible for ensuring his HR specialists are actively recruiting or testing according to company policies.
HR development careers have a variety of job requirements, depending on the particular vacancy the person is applying to fill. In most cases, a HR employee will have a specific set of job functions; they may have to do with recruiting talent to join the company that could include traveling to job fairs to recruit new employees.
In other instances, they may work in labor relations and assist in employee disputes. Many human resource specialists will have a Bachelor degree in HR especially would prefer to work as recruiters.
A HR manager may well have a degree in business administration rather than HR though that individual would be responsible for understanding the labor laws and helping to educate HR staff about company policies and labor laws.
The job of the individual who has chosen HR development as a careers is to not only recruit new employees but also ensure that employee retention and satisfaction remains high. Retaining their employees for longer periods (low employee turnover), results in increased efficiency for the company.
HR managers may also be responsible for developing or deploying employee engagement policies and campaigns to increase employee satisfaction and retention.
Human resource development careers can be satisfying and well-paid careers with advancement opportunities in larger companies. The average salary of a human resource development specialist is around $55,000 per year though of course this varies according to regions as with any job.
A career in HR requires a person be a capable and persuasive communicator, be familiar with standardized employment testing. Understand the basic labor laws as well as company policy. Be competent in written communication skills and be a strong people person.
A HR career will revolve around the company's greatest asset, their employees and the successful HR specialist will be able to "do it all" in smaller companies, or be outstanding in one area such as recruitment, employee orientation, hiring or screening. All these vacancies and more are part of human resource development careers. The jobs of a human resource recruiter takes a skilled communicator as well with an accent on persuasiveness to convince the very best talents that yours is the best company for them and their career.

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Human Resource Development Careers Are Vital to Companies

Now scope of human resource functions has penetrated through the organization and the management is realizing the importance of its role and existence. The responsibility of HR is to make employees to deliver their at most effort to the organization and be faithful. Simply the core aim of HR is to extract high returns on the company's investment using trained and motivated people. Thus HR functions are more complex as it has to deal with the company's management as well as with the employees working in the company.

The human factor and the management factor can be simulated with two similar poles of a magnet which never attract and try to repel each other. Human resource manager will pull employees by instituting various schemes and policies to maximize their output. Few important function of human resources department is given below.

Implementation of compensation and rewards:

To increase performance levels of certain positions, human resources are implementing incentives and rewards. The incentives and reward scheme is a strategic task that influences employees in the organization. These schemes should be well planned based each position connected with organizational goals for maximizing performance levels. For example, in sales jobs, the strategy to increase sales, goal driven commission policy is introduced. The sales person's bulk salary is mainly from their sales commission. If they increase sales, there is more incentive in the form of sales commission to his salary. These are the strategies; human resources department is planning and implementing to satisfy everyone's esteem needs and organizational goals.

Selection of candidates:

Human Resources Department in an organization will take the responsibility of selection and recruitment of eligible candidates for the organization. The entire process of recruitment which includes assessment of required posts, getting approval for additional posts from the management, notification, collection of applications from the candidates, scrutinizing the applications, compiling the data of applicants, invitation for interviews, conducting interviews, selecting proper candidates, recruiting successful candidates from the interviewed panel will be handled by HRD.

Execution of Performance Management:

Performance of each and every employee in the organization is monitored and evaluated HR sections for assessing them for appraisal benefits. During this process HR sections will know the weakness of the employees and plan for training them to impart knowledge and prepare them to stand at par with their colleagues who are in the race of intensive schemes. These efforts will boost the employee performance and in turn result in better returns to the organization on human investment.

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Implementing the Right Human Resources Development Plan

As Albert Einstein once said, "Things should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler," and this is exactly how a company should see its production process. At least this is what most corporations try to implement through new human resources development plans, and when they have a good plan in place, the company can be extremely competitive.

Today, as a company, if you want to be competitive in the world market then you need to take advantage of the full potential of your employees. You need to be sure that they are satisfied with their abilities and with their work goals. You as the company, should make sure that your employees are goal oriented and always seeking to improve their skills. The objective is to develop learning abilities, leadership skills, and attain employee loyalty.

This type of course when done correctly will make sure that your employees develop the right skills, skills they need to be productive, promote job satisfaction and pride in work.

The addition of human resources development ideas and implementations can give a company a lot of benefits, especially when they are implemented in the correct way.

Objectives - when choosing the right human resources development plan you need to make sure that it is goal oriented, and that those goals are in keeping with your companies needs. These objectives should be clear to both the participants and the business administrative personnel.

Beneficial in every way - When you set a human resources development plan in place then you need to make sure that it produces a good return on your investment. If a course is implemented and then not profitable for the company and the end results do not improve the outcome then this course is not efficient for the company.

Implementing a human resource developmental procedure needs to be sustained by the right practices, the right strategies, equipment, and systems. Courses need to address company problems and be in keeping with the company goals. To be able to do that you should keep your company goals and places you know need to be worked on in mind.

Keep in mind is that whatever human resource developmental program you begin, you need to be sure that it is in keeping with your company profile and goals. Remember that any new procedures should be immediately implemented, and you should take advantage of any new skills, or abilities that employees acquire. Make sure that they are given the right tools to implement these new goals, and your new programs should produce a lot of return on your investment.

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What Is Human Resource Development (HRD)?

What is Human Resource Development or HRD? How essential is it in a business? How does it differ from Human Resource Management?
Human Resource Development covers a major function of Human Resource Management which focuses on the professional advancement of an organization's workforce and processes. It is a combination of training and learning that helps improve the skills of the company's employees.

The aim of Human Resource Development is to build superior teams and departments, which will result in strategic advantage as businesses and companies compete against one another.

It certainly makes sense then that an organization's activities revolve around performance management and workforce planning. This will have a serious impact on your company's recruitment success. How is this possible? Well, this happens in several ways:

Performance Management

a) Training

It is not enough that hiring managers and HR professionals may bring post secondary training or pass on the job training to your workplace. In order to recruit successfully for your team or workgroup, they need to receive company and / or industry specific training and lessons in order to enhance their skills. Through on the job training and coaching, your hiring team can manage to recruit more employees. They will be confident in your needs and as well as your long term goals.

b) Performance Reviews

Those members of your team engaged in recruitment services and selection activities who are not above performance reviews. You must have measures of success for this important function, and they must be connected with a system of accountability that is consistent and understood by their colleagues. If you are not happy with the results of your organization's recruitment efforts, the performance review is one great tool that allows you to consider and address the opportunities for company and employee improvement.

Workforce Planning

Your recruitment professionals should have tools and processes for proactively addressing the labour needs of your organization. Succession planning and trend analysis can help you to anticipate shortages or openings in your team, and with that foresight, your business will be able to respond more effectively to fill those needs.

Human resource development is about investing in your workforce to build a strong and committed team. It is all about developing and optimizing your employees' skills to its fullest potential. Human Resource Development or HRD is essential to this paradigm. One major importance of Human Resource Development is building a successful leadership team that walks the talk of HRM.

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