Monday, July 18, 2011

What Is Human Resource Development (HRD)?

What is Human Resource Development or HRD? How essential is it in a business? How does it differ from Human Resource Management?
Human Resource Development covers a major function of Human Resource Management which focuses on the professional advancement of an organization's workforce and processes. It is a combination of training and learning that helps improve the skills of the company's employees.

The aim of Human Resource Development is to build superior teams and departments, which will result in strategic advantage as businesses and companies compete against one another.

It certainly makes sense then that an organization's activities revolve around performance management and workforce planning. This will have a serious impact on your company's recruitment success. How is this possible? Well, this happens in several ways:

Performance Management

a) Training

It is not enough that hiring managers and HR professionals may bring post secondary training or pass on the job training to your workplace. In order to recruit successfully for your team or workgroup, they need to receive company and / or industry specific training and lessons in order to enhance their skills. Through on the job training and coaching, your hiring team can manage to recruit more employees. They will be confident in your needs and as well as your long term goals.

b) Performance Reviews

Those members of your team engaged in recruitment services and selection activities who are not above performance reviews. You must have measures of success for this important function, and they must be connected with a system of accountability that is consistent and understood by their colleagues. If you are not happy with the results of your organization's recruitment efforts, the performance review is one great tool that allows you to consider and address the opportunities for company and employee improvement.

Workforce Planning

Your recruitment professionals should have tools and processes for proactively addressing the labour needs of your organization. Succession planning and trend analysis can help you to anticipate shortages or openings in your team, and with that foresight, your business will be able to respond more effectively to fill those needs.

Human resource development is about investing in your workforce to build a strong and committed team. It is all about developing and optimizing your employees' skills to its fullest potential. Human Resource Development or HRD is essential to this paradigm. One major importance of Human Resource Development is building a successful leadership team that walks the talk of HRM.

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