Monday, July 18, 2011

Human Resource Development Careers Are Vital to Companies

Unless a company is 100 percent automated with machines from the bottom on up, or so small the boss knows all his employees by first names, it relies heavily on its human resources specialists. A company's most valuable asset is their people in which they invest more in training and maintenance than the machines used to produce a product. This makes HR development careers vital to the health of most companies.
Human resource vacancies are the most coveted of positions and often the hardest to fill with qualified people. In a large HR department then the human resources manager's job may include hiring the most delicate and hard to fill positions personally. Alternatively, he is responsible for ensuring his HR specialists are actively recruiting or testing according to company policies.
HR development careers have a variety of job requirements, depending on the particular vacancy the person is applying to fill. In most cases, a HR employee will have a specific set of job functions; they may have to do with recruiting talent to join the company that could include traveling to job fairs to recruit new employees.
In other instances, they may work in labor relations and assist in employee disputes. Many human resource specialists will have a Bachelor degree in HR especially would prefer to work as recruiters.
A HR manager may well have a degree in business administration rather than HR though that individual would be responsible for understanding the labor laws and helping to educate HR staff about company policies and labor laws.
The job of the individual who has chosen HR development as a careers is to not only recruit new employees but also ensure that employee retention and satisfaction remains high. Retaining their employees for longer periods (low employee turnover), results in increased efficiency for the company.
HR managers may also be responsible for developing or deploying employee engagement policies and campaigns to increase employee satisfaction and retention.
Human resource development careers can be satisfying and well-paid careers with advancement opportunities in larger companies. The average salary of a human resource development specialist is around $55,000 per year though of course this varies according to regions as with any job.
A career in HR requires a person be a capable and persuasive communicator, be familiar with standardized employment testing. Understand the basic labor laws as well as company policy. Be competent in written communication skills and be a strong people person.
A HR career will revolve around the company's greatest asset, their employees and the successful HR specialist will be able to "do it all" in smaller companies, or be outstanding in one area such as recruitment, employee orientation, hiring or screening. All these vacancies and more are part of human resource development careers. The jobs of a human resource recruiter takes a skilled communicator as well with an accent on persuasiveness to convince the very best talents that yours is the best company for them and their career.

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